Artist: Addie Carns
Materials: silver, stainless steel, polymer clay, fabric, thread
Dimensions: 2" x 3" x 3"
Artist Statement: The colors, geometric design and flow of the dragonfly print drew me in. I wanted to pay homage to the delicate and elegant nature of the fabric, and keep my design elements true to the print. A hat pin called to me; the dragonfly appears to land softly on a loved article of clothing, whether it be a hat, sweater, or kimono.
My designs often change as I work on a piece, and this was no exception. I had plans to make a small metal box with a cushion top to push the hat pin into when not being worn. Because of our collective recent changes in routine I am no longer in the studio as often as I would like to be. I decided to make a polymer box at home, which ultimately worked out very well as it allowed me to mix my own colors and match the fabric.
Artist Bio: Addie works full time in a college microbiology lab. Metalworking, sewing, cooking, baking, and growing flowers are her favorite ways to spend her time. The small scale of jewelry design appeals to Addie's attention to detail. She's inspired by her work in the lab, food, the beauty of nature and science, and her quirky sense of humor. She is always looking for new things to learn.